Cole's Stitching

Welcome to my Stitching Blog! Here I will share my stitching adventures with those that wish to try to following my babbling.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Well today didn't turn out the way I wanted

Why is it that the best laid plans never work??? My plans for the weekend were to stitch, eat, sleep and stitch. Just didn't happen that way. Got a fair bit of stitching done yesterday, in between grocery shopping and chores, but today was a complete bust! Was woken up at 5:15 this morning with a 100+ pound doggie taking most of the bed. I didn't even try to awaken the beast, was easier to just get up. I had all my chores done and the laundry started by 9am. Sat down to work on Taj while my stitching buddy was at church. Immediately after sitting down and starting, got hungry. OK, make some sandwiches and eat and then start stitching again. Phone rings and there goes my poor little Scrumpy (my 11 month old nephew) is sick, he has 102 fever. Mommy and Daddy had a function last nite, so Grandpa babysat for the night. Well Grandpa called their cell at 9 this morning to tell them about the fever, he woke up with it this morning. So they head off to pick him up. By the time they get there it is 105, so now its off to the closest ER. This can be very serious as Scrumpy has Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia and please don't ask me to explain what it is b/c I just can't get it right. So they found out he has an ear infection, but his specialist in Nashville wants him brought to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital b/c his heart rate was up and his breathing was off. So that is where they are. The last update was they were putting in an iv to give him antibiotics, baby tylenol and the medicine for his condition. Please say some prayers for my baby Scrumpy!

So that was my day. I have gotten some stitching in, but pretty much I've been worried about my Baby Scrump all day.


Blogger Annie Bee said...

Nicole I sure hope that baby Scrumpy is soon on the mend. Hugs coming your way

2:19 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Thanks Annette! I appreciate the thoughts and as I said in my blog, Scrumpy is on the mend and will be toodling around in no time.

5:30 AM  

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