Bad, Evil Thoughts
I am having bad, evil thoughts...I had a wonderful fantastic stitching day yesterday, I can now see hair and the tip of an ear and my draggie is starting to come alive on Reone. I changed my gameplan a bit and decided to get the scattered stitching done over the weekend and work on the large blocks of stitching during the week when I am tired from work. But it is now almost 8 am on Sunday and I don't know why but I woke up to Chatelaine's Alpine Garden screaming at me! I had gotten the chart awhile ago and used my Christmas money to buy the goodies for it, but I have been very good at only working on my WIPs. I carefully put the kitted Alpine away. Why is she screaming at me this morning????? Help me someone. I need to save myself from myself! I think I might need a stitching intervention. I am just hopeless, absolutely hopeless. Maybe if I go do my cleaning, when I come back Alpine will have gone back to sleep.
Don't you dare...
you promised me a pic with a bit more on it to send to Linda Tso... you little minx.... do you like being a minx...
I did what you asked and didn't send the first pic cos you SAID you would do more... pout.....
Its strange how Alpine garden calls to so many of you it is one of 2 Chaatelaines that leave me going ....blech.....
Now Persian gardens......
Hi Nicole! I enjoy your blog...your sig line is so small I just noticed this evening that you had a blog!
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