Cole's Stitching

Welcome to my Stitching Blog! Here I will share my stitching adventures with those that wish to try to following my babbling.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Not Much to Update

Still plugging along on Reone, just about done with a complete page, but I have wandered quite a bit onto the next page.

Gonna whine for a minute, guess I can since its my blog. I feel like crap today. My head is killing me, my ears and throat hurt from the lovely post nasal drip I've got. I've tried just about everything to try to help and nothing is working. It doesn't help that i got next to no sleep last night and I'm PMSing. Alright, whine over, back to normal programming.

Lucky Lana is off on Monday and is going to get lots of stitching done, I'm so jealous. I so wish I was off, I would love to be able to finish the 2nd page on Reone next week. I still need to grid the fabby for DragonFly Dance as thats up next. We'll do a page of that and then on to 2 pages of Small Things. Then I get to start my Butterfly Chick, yippee!!!

Thats all thats up in my stitching world right now. Hopefully Michele won't come up with any new releases that I MUST have!


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